
Our aim is to help every child stand up as a happy global leader.

HESSED” is a Hebrew word which means to love and give grace to others.

Builds understanding and
respect for others.
Good Character Education
Hands-on activities engage
young minds.
Learning Activities
Problem-solving skills are
developed through
theme-based learning.
Convergence Program
We provide support and
materials for Hessed educators.
for Teachers
“HESSED”is a Hebrew word
which means to love and
give grace to others.
Our aim is to help every child
stand up as a happy global leader.
Builds understanding and
respect for others.
Good Character
Hands-on activities engage
young minds.
Learning Activities
Problem-solving skills are
developed through
theme-based learning.
We provide support and
materials for Hessed
for Teachers

단계별 학습이 가능한 교재!

Hessed Program Curriculum Lists

Good Character 시리즈커리큘럼 자세히 보기 모든 회원님들께 공개되는 커리큘럼 정보입니다.

Thematic Project 시리즈커리큘럼 자세히 보기 모든 회원님들께 공개되는 커리큘럼 정보입니다.

World Geography 시리즈커리큘럼 자세히 보기 모든 회원님들께 공개되는 커리큘럼 정보입니다.

Social Project 시리즈커리큘럼 자세히 보기 모든 회원님들께 공개되는 커리큘럼 정보입니다.

(준비중 입니다.)

Sunny 시리즈커리큘럼 자세히 보기 모든 회원님들께 공개되는 커리큘럼 정보입니다.

Alphabet Fun Box 시리즈커리큘럼 자세히 보기 모든 회원님들께 공개되는 커리큘럼 정보입니다.

Activity Fun Box 시리즈커리큘럼 자세히 보기 모든 회원님들께 공개되는 커리큘럼 정보입니다.


행복한 성품 시리즈

Structure & Materials
Series consists of: 3 stages, 6 books per stage,
& 8 lessons per book.

– Student: textbook & 4 craft activities.

– Teacher: Teacher’s Guides, e-books, flash cards, activity templates, videos & songs.

Suggested Schedule
40-minute classes, once a week.
Suggested Timetable
1 book every 2 months.


주제 통합 시리즈

Structure & Materials
Series consists of: 3 stages, 12 books per stage,
& 8 lessons per book.

– Student: textbook & 4 craft activities.

– Teacher: Teacher’s Guides, e-books, flash cards, activity templates, videos & songs.

Suggested Schedule
40-minute classes, twice a week.
Suggested Timetable
1 book per month.


자연 지리학 시리즈

Structure & Materials
Series consists of: 4 stages, 12 books per stage,
& 8 lessons per book.

– Student: textbook & 4 craft activities.

– Teacher: Teacher’s Guides, e-books, flash cards, activity templates, videos & songs.

Suggested Schedule
40-minute classes, twice a week.
Suggested Timetable
1 book per month.


써니 시리즈

Structure & Materials
12 books, & 8 lessons per book.

– Student: textbook, stickers & 4 craft activities.

– Teacher: Teacher’s Guides, big book, e-books,
activity templates, videos & songs.

Suggested Schedule
40-minute classes, twice a week.
Suggested Timetable
1 book per month.


알파벳 펀박스

Structure & Materials
Twenty-six lessons in one box.
Workbook & twenty-six craft activities.
Kindergarten ㅣ Ages four~seven.
Workbook, Alphabet Wheel, twenty-six craft activities, & handwriting practice cards.
Teacher’s Guide, e-books, flash cards,
activity templates, videos & songs.
Suggested Schedule
35-minute classes, twice a week.


아트 액티비티 펀박스

Structure & Materials
Twenty-four lessons in one box.
Workbook & twenty-four craft activities.
Kindergarten ㅣ Ages four~seven.
Workbook & twenty-four craft activities.
Suggested Schedule
35-minute classes, twice a week.
  • 협력교육기관 회원은 회원가입 후
    별도 승인 과정을 통해
    전체 프로그램 자료를 확인
    하실 수 있습니다.



헤세드에듀는 인문학적 상상력과 과학적 창의력을 갖춘
창의 융합형 인재를 만듭니다!
We build creative world leaders.

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지금 바로 연락주세요!!

헤세드에듀의 협력교육기관 회원은 회원 가입 후 별도 승인 과정을 통해
헤세드의 전체 프로그램 자료를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

헤세드에듀의 협력교육기관 회원은
회원 가입 후 별도 승인 과정을 통해
헤세드의 전체 프로그램 자료를
확인하실 수 있습니다.
